Is Volunteering Right For Me? By Dayne Yeager

Volunteering is a win-win. You benefit by giving back to the community while also gaining an experience that will help you grow personally and professionally. Volunteering has been shown to have many benefits, such as increased happiness, lower stress levels and improved health outcomes. If you’re looking for ways to give back or want to try something new in your life, volunteering could be just what you need!

Volunteering Can Help You Meet New People

Volunteering can be a great way to meet new people, especially if you’re the type of person who enjoys making friends. You may find that volunteering with people who share similar interests is fun, but it can also be helpful to volunteer with people who are very different from you. This will give you an opportunity to learn about their life experiences and perspectives on things like politics or religion–and perhaps even change your own opinions!

Volunteering Helps You Feel Like Part Of A Community

Volunteering also helps build connections that may lead to future opportunities, says Dayne Yeager . For example: if someone sees how hardworking and dedicated you are at an event they’re organizing or attending (because they’ve been watching over your shoulder), they might invite you back again next year when they need more volunteers; or perhaps someone else will see how well-respected and admired by peers as an individual because of all the work ethic displayed during this past season’s events–and want one of those qualities themselves!

Volunteering Can Have An Impact On Your Health

Volunteering can have a positive impact on your health by Dayne Yeager. It can help you feel like part of a community, discover new passions and skills, or meet new people. If you’re feeling isolated or depressed, volunteering might be the antidote to what ails you.

In addition to helping individuals find purpose in life (and therefore improve their mental wellbeing), research has shown that helping others makes us happier as well! A study conducted by Harvard University found that those who volunteer are more likely to be happy than non-volunteers on average; this was true even among those who volunteered for just one hour per week compared with those who did not volunteer at all.